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Guide: How to save or print email in PDF format

Postby webmaster » Sun Feb 13, 2011 11:21 am

We are often required to save important emails for archival purpose or to send the email for reference. The best way to save email is in PDF format as it’s a universal format and is the most convenient and flexible mode of storage.
To save an email to PDF format, you must have a PDF printer installed which can be done easily using any free software available on the internet. As a reference we will use the free PDF printer CutePDF.

1. Download the free version of CutePDF Writer (Freeware) and save the exe file to your computer.

2. Install the PDF writer

Install CutePDF Step-1.jpg

Install CutePDF Step-2.jpg

Install CutePDF Step-3.jpg

During installation, you'll get a prompt to download and install a free converter. Click yes to install it automatically. If you have trouble installing the converter, download and install the converter directly from here.
Install CutePDF Step-4.jpg

Install CutePDF Step-5.jpg

The installation will continue and the PDF Printer will be automatically installed.


To verify that the PDF printer has been installed, go to Control Panel>Printers and Faxes and you should see the CutePDF Writer Printer installed.

Install CutePDF Step-6.jpg

To print any email, open the email and click the print option and select the CutePDF printer from the dropdown menu and click print. You'll get a prompt for the download location where you want to save the PDF file. Give an appropriate name to the file, select the download the location and click OK. The PDF will be successfully created.

If the PDF output is not as expected, adjust the layout mode before printing to Portrait or Landscape, or adjust the margins.

Print Email-1.jpg

Print Email-2.jpg
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