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Re: Legal Notice received from RPS Group regarding website

Postby dheerajjain » Fri May 28, 2010 9:55 am

Internet domains are not the property of RPS. Sending legal notice with regards to Internet domain is illegal. Maruti lost the court case when it tried to force person from not using domain name Maruti ( After loosing court case, they now use We should all help Jayanta in winning this battle.
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Re: Legal Notice received from RPS Group regarding website

Postby alok_gupta » Fri May 28, 2010 10:12 am

Hi Jayanta,

I suggest that we should take a legal opinion. RPS has the money muscle and they can take us to court. Fighting court battles in India is not easy. Is any lawyer associated with our group? Some of the guys had arranged a meeting with a lawyer. Can the same lawyer be approached? If so, please give your advise.


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Re: Legal Notice received from RPS Group regarding website

Postby akhileshgupta » Fri May 28, 2010 11:12 am

Jayanta is Right. I have read all views. Yes We all are united on this issue. It will be better to discuss this matter with RPS officials and convince them to take back legal notice. we are not enemies of RPS group, their success is also our motto.
We just want to cooperate and assist them for better infrastructure development and relationship with customers.
When we have invested our money therefore we are part of savana group. Husband & wife make a family. Both are ONE. How they can say that Mr Jayanta is not a part of savana, while he has booked flat in name of his wife.
It shows RPS group frustration.
I will continue be active member with this forum or any other....
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Re: Legal Notice received from RPS Group regarding website

Postby webmaster » Fri May 28, 2010 11:19 am

I am consulting and taking legal opinions from a few lawyer friends and colleagues, several members have also provided their inputs and I will be sending a reply to the notice very soon.

RPS has money power, but they are using their own customers money to fight their own customers on this trivial issue. But why should we even bother to get into this legal battle when we are not a commercial website, neither are we a competitor to RPS Group.

RPS group has shot itself in the foot with this legal notice. They are stating that since I am not associated with RPS Group as I do not exist on their papers, I have no right to my website. Does that mean that when we start to reside at Savana, they can stop your husband/wife/brothers/sisters from staying there or taking any action in the future since they do not exist on their papers?

Our first step will be to force them to take this notice back, failing which we will have to take legal assistance. One of my friend who is a lawyer is acquainted with Pratibha Singh, a renowned IPR lawyer and we will consult her if required.
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Re: Legal Notice received from RPS Group regarding website

Postby ashishca » Fri May 28, 2010 12:58 pm


I also agree with Nitin and we should continue to communicate with each other by creating new domain and transfer all of us to that doman

Even the cost part should not be an issue as that can be shared among the memebers


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Re: Legal Notice received from RPS Group regarding website

Postby ddamitav » Fri May 28, 2010 6:15 pm

why to chicken out from the problem, lets fight, RPS is not owner of
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Re: Legal Notice received from RPS Group regarding website

Postby webmaster » Sun May 30, 2010 10:24 am

Anyone else willing to join us, please email me.
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Re: Legal Notice received from RPS Group regarding website

Postby Chintan » Mon May 31, 2010 1:58 pm

Hi Jayant,

Let me know the timings... I am ready to escort you.
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Re: Legal Notice received from RPS Group regarding website

Postby gaurgupta » Tue Jun 01, 2010 5:15 pm

Hello Jayanta,

I am with you too as have been always.

Let me know the timings when you want me there.

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Re: Legal Notice received from RPS Group regarding website

Postby mac_amitg111 » Wed Jun 02, 2010 4:49 pm

I am seriously surprised and worried, the way RPS people are behaving.
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Re: Legal Notice received from RPS Group regarding website

Postby webmaster » Sat Jun 05, 2010 11:20 pm

A sincere thanks to Mr. Sanjay Sinha, Chintan Murty and Dinesh Manwani who joined me at the RPS Group office on Thursday, 3rd June to meet the RPS Management on the notice issue.

We met Mr. Rajesh Jain and Mr. Shailendra Nangia, General Manager Legal Affairs and discussed several issues about the project. We informed them that we are not using any copyright material on the website and they seemed reasonable not to pursue the issue further. They were unhappy about the articles posted on the website which they thought could damage their reputation. We clarified that all the information published on the website are the facts that we could gather unofficially from them, and this rift between the members and RPS management is due to the lack of communication from RPS.

Regarding completion of the project, there was no commitment from them about the exact dates but they said they are trying their best to handover possession of some of the towers by the end of this year. We asked them to allow site visits inside the apartment’s at least once or twice a month, to decide a particular date and time when site would be open for visits. Even though they cited safety reasons and site inspection by hundreds of customers probably hampering and delaying the progress, they said they would consult the management and consider opening site visits.

We also agreed to hold monthly meetings between the Savana members and RPS management to address concerns and share real-time status update on the project progress. This would immensely help in reassuring the customers about the project. They said for the project delay, penalty would be given based on a fair decision taken by the RPS management and Savana members together.

We asked them to formally join the forum, a representative from RPS to answer all generic queries which would obviously help them as a single response from them would help to answer and reassure all the members.

The overall meeting went well and ended on a positive note. They seemed more open to interact with the forum customers regularly and share updates and take suggestions. We tried to make them realize that we are not trying to form a group against them, but we wanted to work along with them and unless they start to acknowledge us and start responding more actively and with clarity, this will not happen.

Mr. Sanjay Sinha, a senior developer himself with a rich experience and background assisted us greatly in the interaction with RPS and also in making us understand the technicalities of the different issues. I am sure we have lot of more experienced people on the forum. I would request them to come forward and start participating on the forum more actively, unless they share their knowledge and experience, it would be very difficult for a common man like me to get a clear perception of the real world.

Pardon me if I missed anything, the other members can fill in.
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Re: Legal Notice received from RPS Group regarding website

Postby webmaster » Sat Jul 24, 2010 4:47 pm

Update to the issue.

RPS has decided to pursue the case and has filed a complaint against me and the domain to the National Internet Exchange of India (NIXI)

I received around 50 pages documents about the case, they are insisting that I am violating their copyright materials, and the logos we are using are only a cosmetic modification to their logos.

They have also stated that the second domain that I have registered also infringes their copyright name 'SAVANA'. They do not want us to have any association even remotely linked to their name, they have stated that the website is in bad faith and with bad intentions.

Now since I do not want to get into this never ending loophole of legal battle alone, please suggest the next steps. I have no problem meekly surrendering the website and give in to their threats and lead a peaceful and worry free life.
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Re: Legal Notice received from RPS Group regarding website

Postby dheerajjain » Sun Jul 25, 2010 6:58 am

My support is with you, Jayanta. Please check your e-mail
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Re: Legal Notice received from RPS Group regarding website

Postby s1joshi » Sun Jul 25, 2010 10:51 am

Does RPS mean that we should stay away from anything that has Savana name in it !!!!

I am really furious with the attitude of RPS, I visited RPS office last month around 19th and confronted Mr Jain on the monthly meetings and site visits he agreed upon with the representatives and he just tried to wash it off over the talks. As RPS is nearing the committed possession handover date, and are nowhere close to completion, the only motive for RPS is to harass people so that they stop asking questions.

Possibly they might not have been seeing much activity on the website and might in the thoughts that we have all forgotten all the money that we have invested on the project, Mr Jain mentioned that RPS is keeping a close eye on all posts that we are submitting here and hence discussing on possible course of action here may have some disadvantages, but this should not deter us from using our own website.

here are some things we should consider on immediate basis.

1. Register ourselves as association and transfer the website on association name as an immediate measure, Unless we do that, RPS will continue to put pressure on individual (Jayanta) to withdraw the site.

We all have been talking about registering association, but no action so far on the same, We need to have a group meeting soon with minimum 7 members, to complete the formalities required for registering our association, Please note this is not a tedious process.

2. File an FIR with Delhi/Faridabad police against RPS, and we have plenty of reasons for the same.

    What we would be getting is not what we paid for.
    I see no hope of RPS claims of handling over possession of any of the towers by end of this year.
    For bigger size projects, internal development is responsibility of the builder, and RPS is still quite a far distance from starting anything in that direction, Even if they hand over apartment, its gonna be useless.

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Re: Legal Notice received from RPS Group regarding website

Postby vrati » Sun Jul 25, 2010 1:08 pm

Dear Jayanta,

I am a recent entrant to this group but found it to be extremely useful. Thanks a lot for all the trouble that you have taken. We certainly would like this to continue but I dont see why should you get into legal hassles for this. The solution seems to be that you make this as a Yahoo group or rename the site as ! I hope that RPS would allow us to use SAVANA in our addresses ! In any case I would appreciate if you could continue this somehow.

Thanks a million once again,

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